Practical Family Living News

Volume 16, Issue 1Winter 2009

Mine, Mine, Mine: A Look at Greed

Sometimes we humans are as selfish and greedy as a two-year-old. We try to obtain some illusive something by wanting more, more, more. Feeling cheated or deprived is one thing. Using money and power to feel better is another. Craving and greed need a healthy look and this article will help us do just that. In it is healthy food for thought and questions for you and you alone.

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Women and Money

More and more women are coming into their own sense of money, what it means to them and how to manage their funds. This transition means looking at three basic principles of relationship that impact how we as women think, feel and behave around the issue of money. Brenda writes from her own experience and from countless hours of listening to women who have worked hard to face the underlying concerns they carry about managing money.

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Entitlement, Money and Families

This article describes what entitlement means and how families send messages to their children about money and entitlement.

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Turning Financial Stress into an Opportunity for Growth and Attachment in Marriage

Many couples experience financial stress at some point in their marriage. However uncomfortable that stress may be, it can also be an opportunity for growth and attachment in marriage. This article gives tips on how to discuss finances with your spouse in a positive way and to develop a team approach to family finances.

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Money Through The Ages: Changing Our Generational Views

Our generational family history can influence our current views on money for ourselves and for our families. This article describes six signs of generational financial bondage, and three ways to step into new Biblical, healthy perspectives on money management.

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Tips for Talking About Finances

Talking about money can lead to conflict, but research shows that having a plan on how to handle disagreements leads to happier marriages. This article provides some useful tips on handling your differences regarding finances.

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You Don't Need (Much) Money for Fun!

Ten fun and free or low-cost ideas to beat cabin fever.

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